I guess I need to look at it more, but InfoPath with Sharepoint seems like a very good combination. Paperless offices won't happen with just Word templates. If the time-to-develop an InfoPoint form with db backend is tiny, then it is very impressive indeed.
Just got an auto renewal notice in the mail for the homeowner's insurance on Linds' old place. Wow. Guess we missed that one during the sale.
Results just in on the first TP race at the Mistermaxwell household. The race started with 2 rolls in each bathroom. Turns out we use our main floor bathroom toilette paper the most, killing the other two bathrooms by more than a roll. The question now is if we're talking mostly #1, or mostly #2, on the main floor, or if we spread that out evenly. In the next race we're going to have two sets of rolls per bathroom now, one for #1, and the other for #2, to get a better look at our TP use profile. Fire up.
Tonight I get to make name tags for everyone at my company holiday party. They are going to be stick ons with snowflakes stamped on. Have to be holiday generalist you know; can't say Christmas Party or Kwanzaa or aught like that. Kind of takes a bit out of the deal, but that's the way it is at public companies at least.