I was hoping the Twinks would pull it off last night. Urgh, now I'm tired this morning and no W to show for it. Oh well, splitting at Yankee stadium ain't so bad. Just hope they come out strong here on Friday. Going down again would set up game 3 for the Yanks on Sat.
Not really sure what was going on with Fire Up. Got Page Cannot Be Displayed after submitting on Blogger.com here. Oh well, c'est la view.
Well the first time I tried here it erased my post. Dag nabit!
Congrats to George and Jodi over the weekend! It was a lot of fun going to their wedding, and only hope they had as much fun as we did :)
Congrats to George and Jodi over the weekend! It was a lot of fun going to their wedding, and only hope they had as much fun as we did :)
Badgers have been winning; so have Vikes. Kind of an odd combination you're right, but no way I am going to be a full blooded Packers fan, and the Badgers and Gophers are kind of like oil and water. I was very sorry to see Favre knocked around a bit on Sunday I tell you :)
Got an offer on my condo over the weekend; very exciting to see some progress there. Hockey orientation is Nov 17th. Soccer starts Nov 10. It's going to be an interesting winter, but should be a lot of fun.
Got an offer on my condo over the weekend; very exciting to see some progress there. Hockey orientation is Nov 17th. Soccer starts Nov 10. It's going to be an interesting winter, but should be a lot of fun.